North Bengal University gets Rs 2 crore for nano test tools

Siliguri,TT. Jan. 22: The University Grants Commission has sanctioned Rs 2 crore for North Bengal University to purchase two sophisticated equipment for students to conduct advanced researches in the field of nano science and technology.
The atomic force microscope and scanning electron microscope will be placed in the Central Major Equipment Facility that will be inaugurated by state higher education minister Bratya Basu on February 13.
“We had approached the UGC a year back for funds to purchase sophisticated machines to be used in the facility. The letter sanctioning Rs 2 crore for the purpose was received by the varsity last month. We shall use the money to buy two high resolution microscopes,” said Basudeb Basu, the director of the facility.
The microscopes will help students conduct researches in nano science and technology. “Currently, students from the region have to depend on institutes in Calcutta and Bangalore to do research in nano science and technology. Our varsity will be the first in north Bengal to install the atomic force microscope and scanning electron microscope to help students in the advanced study of the subject,” said Basu.
The equipment will be procured by March after which the facility will function in a full-fledged manner.
The CMEF will be the central facility of the varsity for all science students to carry out researches. “Students now conduct researches in laboratories of their respective departments using standard equipment. But once the facility starts functioning, they can examine objects at atomic level through the new microscopes,” said Basu.
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