Roshni Rai: Gorkha Girl from Darjeeling: Roshni runs for her pride

Roshni Rai won't take anything lying down. Certainly, not if her nationality is in question.

It won't take long for the 27-year-old to chase a passerby at a crowded railway platform and explain it to him that she is as much an Indian, not Chinese as he taunted her.

The training for the Comrades ultramarathon in South Africa does reflect here, what with her blitzkrieg chase which precedes her explanation.

Her reaction may leave some a little perplexed. But when someone questions her nationality, this shy, diminutive girl's reaction is on anticipated lines -- she has had to answer that same irritating question many times over.

For this Gorkha girl from Darjeeling fighting, especially on matters concerning her identity, is an innate attribute. Such incidents hurt her.

"Darjeeling was part of Nepal, but merged with India at Independence. We do speak Nepalese, but we are proud to be Indians. Yet we are called Chinese or Nepali," laments Roshni.

"It is difficult to explain that nationality is not the face, but the heart of the individuals," the runner asserts.

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