Kolkata: Mocking at West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's repeated claim that "Darjeeling is smiling", CPI leader A B Bardhan on Thursday alleged that Trinamool Congress had exploited the Darjeeling issue to make immediate gains in the initial days after coming to power.
"We have heard that Darjeeling is smiling. But now we can't see the smile. We can just see the angry eyes. The hills are now crying. The Trinamool Congress during its days in the opposition had exploited the Darjeeling issue to garner support of the GJM to corner the Left Front," Bardhan said.
Even after coming to power, the matter in which GTA was clinched showed that it was all to garner immediate gains, he said.
"We have heard that Darjeeling is smiling. But now we can't see the smile. We can just see the angry eyes. The hills are now crying. The Trinamool Congress during its days in the opposition had exploited the Darjeeling issue to garner support of the GJM to corner the Left Front," Bardhan said.
Even after coming to power, the matter in which GTA was clinched showed that it was all to garner immediate gains, he said.
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