Darjeeling farmers rejoice over bumper maize production

Hariyo makai Maize production Darjeeling
Darjeeling Farmers are rejoicing over the bumper production of maize here.

Ranbir Thapa, a farmer, said the bumper production has helped them to meet their basic requirements.

With the state experiencing plenty of rainfall, a surge in maize production was expected.

"We are very happy due to bumper production. If the production remains like this every year, then we don't need to go to any other place to earn money," said Amar, another farmer.

Farmers usually sell their produce directly in the market, which enables them to earn good money.

North Bengal grows maize on a large scale, and this gives a boost to the state economy.

The monsoon is crucial for summer crops like paddy, soybean, sugarcane and cotton.

Good rains also boost rural demand for a range of products and are a key factor in determining expansion in the larger economy.


Darjeeling Farmers are rejoicing over the bumper production of maize here. Ranbir Thapa, a farmer, said

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