Kurseong reels under cold wave

Cold in Kurseong
Kurseong, 7 January: The Kurseong and its adjoining areas have received and felt the first bite of the coldest day ever this winter season. However, since morning a cold chill has swept through the mountainous terrain of Kurseong Sub-division which intensified more in the evening making people scurry into their rooms for warmer woolens or huddle together around coal or wood bonfires.
Amidst the chill, fogs have also enveloped the region making the mark of a romantic winter day of the season. The cold that has set in has made the hands and feet chilled, such was the magnitude in a day of winter here. Not only here but the drop of temperature so drastically was felt throughout the hills making room for thoughts of a likely first season of snow in Darjeeling which has so far remained elusive.(SNS)

The Kurseong and its adjoining areas have received and felt the first bite of the coldest day ever this winter season.

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