GJM Maha Puja for Gorkhaland

Darjeeling Maha Vindyavasini  puja for gorkhaland
The three-day ‘Maha Puja’ that was supposed to be conducted by Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJMM)  to appease the Gods for “world peace and fulfillment of achieving Gorkhaland” on the 26th, 27th and 28th of December 2014 began on Friday in Patlebash, Darjeeling.
The first day of the puja was conducted at the Morcha President’s residential area though initially, the venue for the first day of the puja was the Morcha party office in Patlebash.
President of GJMM and Gorkha territorial Administration (GTA) Chief,  Bimal Gurung and other Morcha leaders have been on pilgrimages at  various sacred places and offering a lot of prayers in the past few months. “One and a half month earlier we offered our prayers at the temple of Vindhya Vasini Mata in Vindhyanchal, Kamakha temple in Guwahati, Assam and Kalighat Temple in Kolkata” said the assistant general secretary of Morcha and GTA sabhashad, Binoy Tamang.
He further said: “We came back from Benaras last week after offering prayers in the temples there.”
“World peace and the fulfillment and achieving Gorkhaland , without much hurdles by the Gorkha and other communities residing here” was what Mr Tamang answered when asked the reason for conducting so many pujas.
 The venue for the ‘maha-puja’ on the 27th and 28th of December is the Gorkha Ranga Mancha Bhawan in Darjeeling where Maha Vindyavasini  maha puja will be conducted along with Ved mantrapat , Vishnu Mahayog and kumari puja of 117 girls. Mr Tamang, said: “Jagat guru, a religious priest has already arrived in Darjeeling from Varanasi yesterday and 34 pandits have also been invited in this puja from Varansi.” The poster outside Gorkha Ranga Mancha Bhawan reads that the puja is open to all but the people are requested to come without having non-vegetarian food like egg or meat and alcohol. (sns)

GJM Maha Puja for Gorkhaland - The venue for the ‘maha-puja’ on the 27th and 28th of December is the Gorkha Ranga Mancha Bhawan in Darjeeling where Maha Vindyavasini maha puja will be conducted along with Ved mantrapat , Vishnu Mahayog and kumari puja of 117 girls.

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