Baba Ramdev Inaugurated Apparel Training and Development Centre Sonada

Baba Ramdev Inaugurates Apparel Training and Development Centre in Sonada
Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev inaugurated the Apparel Training and Development Center (ATDC) in Sonada.

The Center which has come up at the old Sonada Seed Farm location will impart knitting, tailoring and other apparel design related training to the youth.

The ATDC is a government of India initiative and was backed by Minister Rajiv Pratap Rudy, who is a vocal supporter of Gorkhaland statehood.

Addressing the youth, +Baba Ramdev  said, "This Centre will train you, but once you join here... work hard and with sincerity... success follows those who are sincere and hardworking"

Baba Ramdev emotionally added, "I have travelled the world and must have met over 20 crore people, but nowhere else have I felt the love and devotion... as shown to me by the people of  Darjeeling... I am grateful for that... and I will do my best to raise your cause [Gorkhaland] in every form where I can... I am not a politician, nor do I seek votes... but together we will make Gorkhaland one of the most prosperous region in India. "

Speaking to the people Mr. Bimal Gurung said, "It is our honour that we could host national leaders and now Baba Ramdev here in Darjeeling... the iron is hot... now is the right time for us to strike the iron and bring it in shape [Gorkhaland]"

Bimal added, "At a time when national personalities like Baba Ramdev and Subramanian Swamy have openly supported our demand, we all need to get United for Gorkhaland... now is the time for us to become One.. we should not become divided on the lines of Party, Religion, Caste, Community... rather all of us should come together and work for Gorkhaland."

Courtesy: The Darjeeling Chronicle

Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev inaugurated the Apparel Training and Development Center (ATDC) in Sonada. The Center which has come up at the old Sonada Seed Farm location will impart knitting, tailoring and other apparel design related training to the youth.

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