Seventeen luminaries across Darjeeling
district and Assam will be felicitated during a historic event 'Gorkha
Talent Show of Assam 2016' slated on 9th and 10 February at GMCH
auditorium, Guwahati organized by Akhil Assam Gorkha Kalakar Sangh
GopalKhanal general secretary of AAGKS
informed that the chief minister of Assam TarunGagoi will remain as
chief guest in the two days event where around five thousand people will
witness the historic talent show and felicitation programme.
The talent haunts for singers and
dancers has already finished by conduction several rounds of auditions
in entire state of Assam and finally selected 40 singers and dancers for
the final round that will be held on 9th and 10th February.
Twenty three models of Assam will also
walk on ramp by wearing ethnic attires of North East to promote
tradition and culture and spread peace and harmony.
Among seventeen luminaries well known
model and Miss Asia University RewatiChhetri, Olympian boxer Shiva
Thapa, Boxing coach of Assam GomeThapa, BihuSamrat of Assam late
KhagenMahanta, Journalist from SiliguriPrashantAcharya, Editor of
HimalayDarpanShibuChhetri, Photographer Sanjit Nandi, Dancers
PradeepGurung, Om Chhetri, Singers Karma Sherpa, Anju Devi, Dramatists
BinodKhanal, Radio artist HarenSubba, Editor of
HamroPrajashaktiAnjanUpadhayaya, Editor SapariwarRohitGautam and others.
PrakashRai working president of the
organizing committee also informed that several film artists, sports
persons, singers and dancers are participating in the show where more
than five thousand audiences will witness the historic event in North
East. (EOI)
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