Abrogation of Article 370 rekindles hope among Gorkhas

Abrogation of Article 370 rekindles hope among Gorkhas
Hithertofore feeling a sense of deprivation due to denial of state subject rights, the brave Gorkha community living in the city suburbs is elated over repeal of Articles 370 and 35A. They expect fair deal, secured future to their children and dignified life for the community as a whole.

Leela Jamwal, Chairperson of the Gorkha Samaj said that due to Article 370, the entire Gorkha community was deprived of their basic rights. “The Gorkha community got the voting rights but the members of this community were debarred from buying properties and pursuing higher education in Jammu and Kashmir”, she said adding that the country got freedom in 1947 but the Gorkha community of J&K has become free from the clutches of Article 370 only on August 5, 2019 by the revolutionary and farsighted decision taken by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah. “Despite facing discrimination and prejudice in J&K, the Gorkha community has played a significant role in the service of nation especially in the Indian Army”, she asserted and thanked the Prime Minister Narendra Modi for giving full rights to the community at par with other citizens of the India.

Nihar said that he was the victim of Article 370. “The scrapping of this Article has ended the 72-year-long spell of injustice,” said Nihar, celebrating the revocation of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status, which allowed only state subjects to buy and own land and take up government jobs.
He said now the Gorkha community has also been able to buy the property in Jammu and Kashmir. He added that the Article 370 should have been revoked much earlier as it has deprived various communities from the benefits of various welfare schemes launched by the Central Government for common masses.

Bassi Gurung has wholeheartedly welcomed the abrogation of Article 370, terming it as main hurdle in ensuring bright future of their wards. She said that the community members are staying in Jammu and Kashmir before 1947. She asserted that the youth of Gorkha community are well educated but due to denial of Permanent Resident Certificates, they have not been eligible to get the state government jobs and other benefits of government welfare schemes.
“Earlier, our wards had no option but to go to the metro cities for employment but after J&K becoming a Union Territory, we are happy and contented about the future of our youth,” she said and expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi for revoking the Articles 370 and 35A and assured whole-hearted support to the BJP in its stride to ensure welfare of people of this country.

Laxmi Rana said, “It is like a dream come true for us. We thank Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah for providing us and our children an opportunity to prosper as a community.”
“Despite living in Jammu for years together, the Gorkha community was deprived of various rights including right to vote, right to higher education, right to get state scholarships, right to get reservation in state jobs,” she said and added, “I salute Modi for his political will to take such a bold and courageous decision to end the discriminatory laws of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir,” she added.

Arun Kumar Chettri, Vice Chairman of the Gorkha Samaj said repealing of Articles 370 and 35A is being considered as harbinger of hope and justice among the Gorkha community residing in Jammu and Kashmir. He said Article 370 has grilled the Gorkha community by depriving it from enjoying rights which are extended to other citizens of the nation. He said due to this anti-Gorkha Article, most of the youth of Gorkha community were forced to work in private establishments, shops and small eateries. “In Jammu and Kashmir, there was no future for Gorkhas and the community lagged behind others”, he said, adding that for the past 70 years we are living like slaves due to lack of facilities. He said only due to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah we will now get equal opportunities.

Sunder said that the Gorkha community has faced a lot of problems due to the Articles 370 and 35A. He said that the successive governments in the State have not shown its serious concern towards the hardships being faced by the members of Gorkha community. He said that the Gorkha community had also taken up the matter with Sheikh Abdullah regarding denial of rights to Gorkha community but to no avail.
He said that the whole community is welcoming the lifting of Articles 370 and 35A and celebrating this moment with great enthusiasm. He said now the community is eligible to buy property and pursue higher studies in Jammu and Kashmir.

Hithertofore feeling a sense of deprivation due to denial of state subject rights, the brave Gorkha community living in the city suburbs is elated over repeal of Articles 370 and 35A. They expect fair deal, secured future to their children and dignified life for the community as a whole.

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