Tourism daily loss Rs 19 crore in north Bengal and Sikkim

border between Bengal and Sikkim
Stakeholders of tourism industry who conducted a survey in north Bengal and Sikkim to assess the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the nationwide lockdown have estimated a daily loss of Rs 19 crore.
According to them, the industry in the region has already suffered a loss of around 1,000 crore which is likely to go up further if the same situation persists in the coming weeks.
Sources said the north Bengal zonal council of the Confederation of Tourism Industry, Association for Conservation and Tourism, the Himalayan Hospitality and Tourism Development Network and some other associations in the region had conducted the survey.
They have collated the data and come up with some recommendations which would be sent to the central and state governments. On April 29, the Union tourism ministry had constituted the National Tourism Task Force for the revival of the industry. The details would also be sent to the force, said a tour operator.
The lockdown was declared when the tourism season was to start in the region.

Stakeholders of tourism industry who conducted a survey in north Bengal and Sikkim to assess the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the nationwide lockdown have estimated a daily loss of Rs 19 crore.

Read latest post filed under Coronavirus, North Bengal, sikkim news, tourism

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