Mukesh Sharma: As a part of the election canvass, a public meeting was held by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today under the Presidentship of Kumar Chettri to support its candidate, Dr RB Bhujel from the Sinjee 42 No Constituency. Dr Bhujel addressing the gathering said that many adverse elements are after the GJM at present. No other misleading parties should get a chance to win any of the seats in the elections. Since, the last 22 years, the earlier parties who ruled the hills have been fooling the public. And now the decision lies in the hand of the public whom to cast their votes, he added.Further, speaking about Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA), Dr Bhujel assured that GTA holds the capacity to administer like a State, though it is functioning under the State of West Bengal. By passing the GTA agreement, the Central and the State Government in a way has challenged us, whether we will be able to run it properly or not. Therefore, by running the GTA wisely and efficiently we need to prove ourselves that our demand for GTA which further leads to Gorkhaland is totally genuine, he asserted.Likewise, mentioning the Black Day observed by the Gorkhaland Task Force (GTF), on July 18, 2012 during the anniversary of the GTA, he said that the GJM is ever ready to fight with the oppositions regarding GTA. Lastly, the GJM candidate stressed that unlike the earlier parties, the GJM shall work towards the overall development of the hills and its people.GJM Central Committee Vice President along with Pradeep Pradhan, Col Ramesh Alley, Bharat Ghimirey, Kamal Sharma and the GJM supporters at large were also present during the meet.
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