Workshop on Countering Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants in Siliguri

Workshop on Countering Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants in Siliguri
Two day Workshop was organized by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in alliance with SSB to sensitize SSB personnel and Bhutanese officials regarding various matters pertaining to Human Trafficking & Smuggling of Migrants on 27-28th May 2015 at Hotel Sarovar, Siliguri

Shri Kuldiep Singh IPS Inspector General Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) gave the inaugural address and said it was an immense issue confronting mankind and this region, in particular. The recent devastating twin earthquakes in Nepal has triggered of fears of migration and brazen human trafficking too. He elaborately explained how this crime was engulfing the society the result ramifications are even more disastrous. To counter human trafficking and smuggling of migrants down to its root he called for all the stakeholders to come shoulder to shoulder to combat this menace.  

Since yesterday, twelve intensive sessions were held which were incisive and panning across all aspects of prevention and protection of Human Trafficking in all its hues. Matters relating to rehabilitation mechanism and coordination and mutual dependency were discussed. Resource persons from UNODC, Australian Customs and Border Protection Service including, Officials from Bhutan Government, Top Cops from SSB and MHA, Government of India officials and NGO’s are participating and delivering lectures during the two day long Workshop.

Ms Cristina Albertin Regional Representative UNODC Regional Office for South Asia spoke on International legal framework on smuggling of migrants and human trafficking. Mr Wayne Moran Australian Customs and Border Protection Service spoke on Concepts Related to Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants, UN trafficking Protocol and SOM Protocol. Mr. Norbu Wangchuk, Departments of Immigration, Royal Governement of Bhutan, Sharing of existing mechanisms to counter Smuggling of Migrants and Human Trafficking and spoke about the National Lesilative framework and mechanisms in Bhutan while Mr. Ravi Kant, Advocate, Supreme Court of India and President, Shakti Vahini elaborated upon the National legislative framework and mechanisms in India. On the role of border control of officials in identification of SOM and Human Trafficking Ms. Renuka Mishra IPS, IG

SSB delved upon Risk indentification – Identification Techniques and Observation Strategies, Dr P M Nair IPS (Retd) Chair Professor, TISS gave a comprehensive talk on Interviewing Skills and Interrogation Techniques Mr. Michael Duthie Senior Liason Officer Serious and Organized Crime, alongwith Mr. Ben Nicholls, First Secretary (Immigration)/ Principal Migration officer (Integrity) Department of Immigration and Border Protection further explained the Tools Used in Risk Identification and Prevention, continued and Group Work Dr P M Nair and Ms. Renuka Mishra meticulously spelled out the Preparation of “Check List” on Identification and Interception Techniques and developing Plan of Action, Panel Disscussion was held on Multli-stakeholder/ inter-agency cooperation in responding to Human Trafficking and SOM- Representatives from SSB, Police, Customs, Immigration and NGO (India and Bhutan) involved and vociferously put forward their perspective. One Open Discussion was held on Challneges and way forward/ recommendations for cross-border cooperation between Bhutan and India with Ms. Renuka Mishra IPS, IG Pers, SSB and Ms. Cristina Albertin, UNODC as Moderators

The Programme concluded with remarks from Ms Cristina Albertin Regional Representative UNODC Regional Office for South Asia and Mr Wayne Moran Australian Customs and Border Protection Service and closing remarks from from Ms. Renuka Mishra IPS, IG Pers, SSB.

Two day Workshop was organized by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in alliance with SSB to sensitize SSB personnel and Bhutanese officials regarding various matters pertaining to Human Trafficking & Smuggling of Migrants on 27-28th May 2015 at Hotel Sarovar, Siliguri

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